Thursday, February 23, 2012

Chocolate Chip and Ukulele

Welcome to The Kind's blog.  In honor of our grand opening, we hope you'll give yourself a celebratory pat on the back (depending on which part of your back that you're able to reach, you might be doing yoga).  Join us as we set sail with our big fancy new ship, and aid us by yelling "ICEBURG DEAD A-F***ING-HEAD," juuuuust a little bit sooner than that other guy on that other ship.

You might be wondering, "What are The Kind and all of its members up to?  I love them so dearly," and, "Where can I pick up a pound of cookie dough at 2am?"  Well, we want to start answering that first question for you on a regular basis, and as far as the second question... well, you've got a problem.  We hate to be the ones to tell you.  We're going to start calling you "Cookie," out of love.

So, Cookie, I decided to start a band blog for a couple reasons.  One is because my Email newsletters were getting far too long given that I like to include all my random mutterings, and secondly I was tired of being the only one writing them and speaking to you.  Now every member of The Kind will get their chance to pee in the snow.

And, just to blog your memory, remember to check us out on other media fronts:

@kindband on twitter

We're mixing our first single, "Be Here," so get ready to see that on iTunes and other media outlets, soon.

I leave you with some Elvis Costello you've probably never seen:

Until next time, this is Derek, drummer of The Kind, getting rid of the life boats.

Ciao, Cookie.

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